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The Chip Board Archive 19

Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1

Jim has big shoulders.........I didn't come down hard on him. I came down on his decision. A difference that I'm sure you recognize. I'm sorry you don't see it the way I do. However, it's all have your opinion and I have mine. As long as we are both above ground we will voice those opinions grin. That's what keeps our club healthy and provides for change and growth. I don't have to remind you of the early 1990's when you and I disagreed about everything involving our club.The more things change the more they stay the same.

Messages In This Thread

"Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: I have to Agree..
Re: I have to disagree..
"Party Line...."?
grin Hi Archie, see what happens when the
Yep ... I got it Steve ...
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
How are we "destroying our dealer base" Jimbo?
Re: How are we "destroying our dealer base" Jimbo?
Re: How are we "destroying our dealer base" Jimbo?
Re: My reply to you Steve.
Re: My reply to you Steve.
Re: My reply to you Steve.
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
I was a late arrival........
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
With each change of venue, there are things we...
Re: With each change of venue, there are things we
Nicely stated, Steve-O
A suggestion Steve ...
grin Nice plaque, Mr. Black...
Thank YOU Mr. Bedo and the BOD!
Re: James

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