For the first time, I actually sold slot cards to buyers for cash!!!. I usuallly prefer trading to increase my own selections; but more than 5 collectors and dealers ended up buying them for a dollar, or fifty-cents each when more than 20 were chosen. An old time dealer bought a mixed box of 0ver 160 and did not even pick through them for duplicates (many). The formula of a dollar for currents with names and two dollars or more for obsoletes and ones with no names has been widely accepted. I was surprised so many collectors had specialized in collecting only cards with no players names!!!. They are harder to get and require whinning at slot booths plus tipping when successful. I expect slot card collecting to really take off now.....I have over 450 traders, and a collection of 800 different without even getting into the finer differentiations most collectors look for in each casino. They are getting more colorful, varied, and imaginative as time goes on with their popularity. Try telling the slot booth personnel about collecting and watch their amazement and interest to join us. How about another chapter.!!!. ?