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The Chip Board Archive 19

Re: Don, they are NOT from Greg. Here's the deal..

The only bad part about that is that whenever you delete a post, we lose a page of history on The Chip Board. May I suggest that instead of deleting you post, Jim Follis has offered to help by editing out the email address for you. Just forward the post to him and he will take care of it.

That is VERY generous of you Jim. Thanks!

FYI, whenever a posts hits the archives they can no longer be replied to so they will receive no spam then.


Messages In This Thread

spam emails
Don, they are NOT from Greg. Here's the deal.....
Re: Don, they are NOT from Greg. Here's the deal..
Re: Don, they are NOT from Greg. Here's the deal..
Re: Don, they are NOT from Greg. Here's the deal..
Re: Don, they are NOT from Greg. Here's the deal..
Re: Don, they are NOT from Greg. Here's the deal..
Re: Don, they are NOT from Greg. Here's the deal..
Re: Don, they are NOT from Greg. Here's the deal..
Re: Don, they are NOT from Greg. Here's the deal..
Sounds like Greg's e-mail is being spoofed
Re: Sounds like Greg's e-mail is being spoofed
Re: Sounds like Greg's e-mail is being spoofed
Re: Sounds like Greg's e-mail is being spoofed

Copyright 2022 David Spragg