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The Chip Board Archive 19

Oh Boy, Spectators sad

I remember one year at the Palms during the tourny one other player and I had limped and the flop gave me a straight. Lots of ways to lose with a straight so I had to really be carefull. Trying to figure my next play, it seemed as if everyone at the table decided to take the opportunity to start blabbering including s couple of railbirds. Kinda hard to think and I gave in to a Phil Helmuth moment and squawked, "If you're not in the shouldn't be talking!" Actually this was aimed at everyone but at that moment I realized the last person to talk had said, "I see a possible flush and a possible straight." Calling a hand like that is strickly prohibited, especially in a tournament. Finally the dealer acted and set out the rule pertaining to that breach of ettiquette. The hand caller was pretty embarrased which was not my intent and I felt kind of foolish by showing my temper. I think I raised the other player out of the pot and BTW, I hadn't seen the flush possiblity until the wanna-be Norm Chad had interjected.

The point here? I really didn't care if there were spectators but be considerate. If you don't have any money invested in entry or chips at stake, keep your mouth closed and don't distract those engaged in play. If you're invited to "sweat" someone, fine but stay out of game.

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BJ & Poker Tournament open to spectators?
Re: BJ & Poker Tournament open to spectators?
Is taking pictures OK?
Anybody taking my help would be foolish
Re: BJ & Poker Tournament open to spectators?
Re: BJ & Poker Tournament open to spectators?
Re: BJ & Poker Tournament open to spectators?
Re: BJ & Poker Tournament open to spectators?
Re: BJ & Poker Tournament open to spectators?
Re: BJ & Poker Tournament open to spectators?
Re: BJ & Poker Tournament open to spectators?
Oh Boy, Spectators sad
I agree with you David...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg