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The Chip Board Archive 19
Re: Be sure to check out those "key chain" racks i
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Be sure to check out those "key chain" racks in
When iwas in Nassau earlier this year there was only one or two of the antique ships open. All of the rest had closed. I was hoping to find at least one or two things but had no luck at all.
Messages In This Thread
Great Ebay buy?
Is that the Roman Weave mold?
they are small key
Are you sure?
im pretty sure
Just checkin'. I believe you.
I was the second high bidder
I hope the high bidder sends a scan to Charles
Westen won it
Will he sell the second to you though?
i called and asked
Heres my Bahamian Club loot
It would have sold for $4....
Great win, Westen
you made a good deal
Be sure to check out those "key chain" racks in
Re: Be sure to check out those "key chain" racks i
That one shop (upstairs) in that small passageway
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