The General (Chuck Smorse) went to Pahrump on Saturday after the Convention, just riding along with TEXAS Jerry Ulmer (the driver)......Sheldon (The Guilty one) McCormick. and Ryan (trying to sign him up for the club) K. We first stopped and ate at Terrible Lakeside, and proceeded to the Chicken Ranch (everything smooth and wet there. We then went to Saddle West Casino where Texas Jerry & "Guilty" McCormick bought in and got a stack of QUARTER Chips. After playing 2 rolls each, they left the table with chips and hit the door. Now the INNOCENT General was not aware they left, The Pit Boss in Charge and security sorrounded THE GENERAL, was asked to empty out my pockets or turn in chips.... I emptied out my pockets at the cage and showed them I had no chips....they were red faced, as they thought they had the guilty one.....BUT it was Texas Jerry & Sheldon that were laughing out in the parking LOT as I came to the car.....NEVER TO GO ON A CHIP RUN WITH THEM going to call the Texas Rangers to catch him at the border and search for chips he harvested, same goes for California McCormick.....
Here is the chip in question......
Chuck, LV
The General