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The Chip Board Archive 19

A topten Viewing Site Enhancement...

If you have visited the interim topten Viewing Site, you have probably noticed that each new participant gets placed to the left of the previous participant, but the page number for the most recently added participant always stayed the same, while all previous participants' page numbers increased. (Sounds complicated!)

The point is, you could NOT bookmark your own page, as it would change every time I added another participant. Well, this has been corrected, however, I don't advise bookmarking your page just yet. While everyone now has a fixed page number (all new participants will get a new page that is incrementally higher than the one before it) the very first page (which now shows Bill Purcell's contributions) will be changed to a "TOP 10s to 100!" Home Page, which will increase everyone's page number by 1. However, this will not happen over night, so please feel free to go ahead and bookmark your most favorite page(s) now, but be prepared for a change over the next week or so.

If nothing else, it seems that David Sarles' contributions are in heavy demand, so here is the link to David's page:

If you visit, please be sure to individually click on each of David's offerings, as he provide me with hi-res scans and when you click one, the image is reposted in a new window showing greater detail! I must say, each one is a beauty!! Perhaps not my Top 10, but certainly very remarkable chips!!

As in my past posts, I thank all the participants thus far in sharing with all of us their TOP 10s! If you ahve not yet participated, please do. Just send me the scans, or post them here and I will capture and re-post them at the viewing site.

Thank you,


Messages In This Thread

A topten Viewing Site Enhancement...
Great job, Jim!!!
Hey Jim.....Where are your Top 10?
Rick, this is my story and...
uhhh Jim.....I already did
Right you are Rick. In looking back...
Re: Right you are Rick. In looking back...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg