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The Chip Board Archive 19

I was thinking back to the Showboat chip....

That Glenn got last year or two. a very rare chip that no one has in there collections. here is a chance to get it and it sold for the lower side of James book. i THINK HE HAS IT AS $2000 $4000 $6000 SO ACCORDING TO THAT $2300 IS A STEAL. I guess im wrong because $2300 i way low for that chip. Maybe some were spooked off because there might be a box of them or just the economy might be another thought.

Messages In This Thread

I was going to work but now I have to watch
WOW $2,357 was not what i expected
I Was Second Closest
The ones whose guesses were close...
Z4! Cool. Thanks Jay!
I thought it would be more. Dennis R-8000 won
I'm curious as to why the high / low guesses ...
I was thinking back to the Showboat chip....
I was thinking the economy, too ...
I spoke with her and she said....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg