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The Chip Board Archive 19

Pam, thanks for the question...

The overall idea is to see if there is a Top 100! However, asking anyone to submit a Top 100 list is just too daughnting of a task. Also, I suspect that I would get answers like, "Four Queens, 2nd issue, all denominations" or "Caesars Palace, Table 6 roulettes, all colors and back-ups".

By keeping it to a Top Ten list from many people (Top Tens) I have a chance at capturing specific chips, with real thought and purpose behind the selections. Also, my chances of getting scans are improved, which offers me a real quick way to know exactly what chip is being selected.

this is akin to the OTY Nomination process, in that I get lots of Nominations and the ones that include scans are a real no-brainer for Casey and I. vbg

So far, there have been 560 posted Top Ten chips from contributors, with approximately 100 more "waiting in the wings". While I have had a really great response to this quest, I am looking for even more contributions. So far, I've only asked a handfull of people, via email, to support this, but will increase that effort as submissions dwindle. I also plan to put this out to the non- on-line Club members, both via the CCTN and at the Convention.

In the longrun, I have a publishing idea in-mind and I take notes when sub-set Top Tens get posted. There is work going on to improve the web site where this stuff resides, and had I known this would grow so quickly, I would have prepared that element earlier on.

Otherwise, just having fun!

Thanks for asking and thanks also for your contribution!!


Messages In This Thread

Top Tens to 100! Another addition!!...
Re: Top Tens to 100! Another addition!!...
Pam, thanks for the question...
Re: Pam, thanks for the question...
Debra being one of my favorite chippers...
Re: Top Tens to 100! Another addition!!...
Tim, you are now "waiting in the wings". Soon!
Tim... You made it!!!...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg