By keeping it to a Top Ten list from many people (Top Tens) I have a chance at capturing specific chips, with real thought and purpose behind the selections. Also, my chances of getting scans are improved, which offers me a real quick way to know exactly what chip is being selected.
this is akin to the OTY Nomination process, in that I get lots of Nominations and the ones that include scans are a real no-brainer for Casey and I.
So far, there have been 560 posted Top Ten chips from contributors, with approximately 100 more "waiting in the wings". While I have had a really great response to this quest, I am looking for even more contributions. So far, I've only asked a handfull of people, via email, to support this, but will increase that effort as submissions dwindle. I also plan to put this out to the non- on-line Club members, both via the CCTN and at the Convention.
In the longrun, I have a publishing idea in-mind and I take notes when sub-set Top Tens get posted. There is work going on to improve the web site where this stuff resides, and had I known this would grow so quickly, I would have prepared that element earlier on.
Otherwise, just having fun!
Thanks for asking and thanks also for your contribution!!