This is an awesome $7 token that Rog sent me in our trade! Very special Rog thank you so much. In the hot summer months, the Coyotes love to go out on hunting parties in the cool evenings especially during a full moon. They hunt in a pack and arround here take rabbits and the occational domestic animal if it is left outdoors. They have a haunting howl and when hunting, the leader will send out his call, yip yip yip eooow eooow eooow eooow eooow. The rest of the pack will then echo his call. When sleeping with the windows open, it will wake you up quick & scare the hell out of you... my dog freaks out. I like to go wilderness boat camping on Lake Mohave just north of Laughlin but when tent camping with the dog, the coyotes with keep coming towards your camp if they are not scared away. A couple rounds twisted off from the ol' S&W 380 auto in the air sends them running off to a better hunting ground. Coyotes are very common here in Arizona... and they play a pretty good hame of Hockey too.