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The Chip Board Archive 19

My Turn, My Turn!

Mr Bradley,

Looks like what was very probably an honest mistake has really gotten all blown up...It is sad that I couldn't find anyone replying to say that it sounds like you made a simple mistake and it is too bad to see such a backlash from it. So I will! grin

One thing I have found is that in this hobby as with many hobbies, there are some people who have put chipping at the top of their list in life, and it is something that they do or think about for the majority of their time. Although I don't suggest that is a bad thing, I do think it makes it harder for them to understand that mailing out a chip payment isn't the most important thing in everyone else's life. I regularly forget about chipping for weeks and months at a time, and then I get frustrated that I still have 3 empty frames that I need to put chips in to hang up. I like new release LE chips and hop on here hoping to see some every now and then, but instead end up seeing posts like this where the same group of regulars are battling with outsiders via keystrokes as weapons. I dont always get around to chipping because it doesn't pay the bills and I have a job and a family to worry about first. You say you were also late on sending out bill(s) and I am sure those are much more important than a chip payment which has no real deadline to be mailed and isn't going to hurt your credit if late. Even though you may take a deal seriously, as I do, and you want to uphold your end of the deal, accidents happen. This is certainly a very simple split-second mistake anyone could make like forgetting to close the garage door at night (I do that one every few months).

I hope you will still consider becoming a club member despite the rocky start to your chipping relationships. Personally I joined more for the chips rather than the relationships. If chipping brings some rewarding relationships than even better. Besides, there are already plenty of other websites designed for people looking for relationships. Keep in mind this site is not a club site and doesn't reflect the views of the club, mostly a group of friends that will stick together through anything which is understandable really. There is nothing fair or balanced about a jury made up of best friends against a new kid in town. If one of the regulars on here made this mistake the rest of the group would be all about the 'it was a simple mistake' gig.

Good luck with your chipping relationships, oh and your chipping! Have fun at the convention, I still have never been maybe because of the more important things that have my money all spoken for.

Dave Cygul

Messages In This Thread

Re: As so can I. ??????????
Re: As so can I. ??????????
Re: I don't blame him
Re: I don't blame him
no one can "make" you get it.
Re: no one can "make" you get it.
Re: no one can "make" you get it.
Re: no one can "make" you get it.
You started it, buddy.
Re: You started it, buddy.
Re: no one can "make" you get it.
Re: no one can "make" you get it.
Re: Fair enough
Re: Fair enough
Re: Fair enough
Can we call Judge Wopner on this one, yikes!!!!
Re: Fair enough
Suggestion - Pay bills online - no stamps needed!
Re: Suggestion - Pay bills online - no stamps need
Re: Fair enough
Re: Fair enough
JB, I have no dog in this hunt, but your post does
I agree Doug...
Well Said Doug
Re: JB, I have no dog in this hunt, but your post
You are not a member
Re: You are not a member
Code of ethics does not apply...
Re: Code of ethics does not apply...
What that means is that Jim sent you the chips
JB, There is no doubt that Jim would be obligated
My dog ate my homework...
I just noticed something VERY STRANGE !!!!!!!
thanks Doug, we all know the score now
Here are the results of Doug's search...
My first thought was buyer remorse period.
Swift detecting Columbo!
Re: I just noticed something VERY STRANGE !!!!!!!
Your e-mail to me on 3/23 said OK to my USPS ...
Re: Your e-mail to me on 3/23 said OK to my USPS .
I think I'll just say NO. Here's why:
I feel sad for Jim F. as he probably wont get his
Re: I think I'll just say NO. Here's why:
I do not need your business... and please do not
Re: I do not need your business... and please do n
My Turn, My Turn!
Re: My Turn, My Turn!
Re: My Turn, My Turn!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg