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The Chip Board Archive 19

Maybe a good idera if we could EDIT our posts

This is the only message board I know of that one can't EDIT one's posts. Maybe eBay doesn't allow edits, come to think of it (regarding their Discussion Boards). I don't recall if this was ever discussed here before. Greg's decision, of course. I don't know if many serious abuses will come from editing one's posts, if the bad outweighs the good. Off hand, I like to edit my posts. (Won advantge cums from corecting stuupid spelling erors and such.)

Messages In This Thread

Question how do you delete a post?
Fred, assuming you are referring to...
Can I change my password?
Just enter a new one and 'save' it the next
When that is done, does it then work on...
Ive never tested it, but I suspect the latter
Thanks Jim
Maybe a good idera if we could EDIT our posts
Excellent idea Robert I could just correct a few
Yeah ......
Not to mention the post with the occational...
LOL Smitty you have a great memory
It was Christmas Eve too Fred vbg
I've been editing my posts here for years. Here's
For this, I'm from Missouri! Give me a try please!
Jim, You've already responded to my post ...
John, perhaps I mis-understood what you...
"..hours, days and even weeks later.." ? vbg

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