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The Chip Board Archive 19

Bottom Line: We're still "NUMERO UNO" grin USA
In Response To: "I work for food and chips" ()

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NCR - New Tax Credit just showed up in my paycheck
Just in time for the CA sales tax increase
Doug-Don't spend it all in one place-spread it out
"I work for food and chips"
Bottom Line: We're still "NUMERO UNO" grin USA
Ya but our Govt is turning into "#2"
Still better than those other-type governments grin
Re: NCR - New Tax Credit just showed up in my payc
Re: NCR - New Tax Credit just showed up in my payc
Re: NCR - New Tax Credit just showed up in my payc
Re: NCR - New Tax Credit just showed up in my payc
Re: NCR - New Tax Credit just showed up in my payc
Treat yourself, maybe a half cigar!!
$6.54/week will offset the $6.20 federal tax
Say it aint so Wayne ! I distinctly remember Obama
Re: earmarks promise !!!!!!!
I think it has something to do with raising $4-Bil
If the tax was to help cancer research or families
Re: If the tax was to help cancer research or fami
Lets just say a LOT of battered women depend on me
Re: Lets just say a LOT of battered women depend o
That, too, would be a good tax ...
... like all his appointees.
Re: NCR - New Tax Credit just showed up in my payc
What about us who do not get a paycheck??????

Copyright 2022 David Spragg