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The Chip Board Archive 19

Re: "quitting was the only GOOD part"???

How you would like it if your company reneged on a contract with you and decided not to pay you after you completed the work?..........

The courts are FULL of those! My son's employeer is reneging on a contract with 50 pilots (not a union either). Their paychecks are being held UNTIL they sign a NEW contract. That part is called duress... it's against the law too.

AIG (and others) are under a huge microscope, they need to act accordingly. I don't think AIG should be allowed to fail because it would take down too much of the financial structure and further damage the economy, but I sure as hell don't agree they should get cart blanc with the taxpayers money either!! The 90% tax idea is a slippery slope too, I am not to hot on that concept either.

Messages In This Thread

AIG exec returns Bonus
Re: AIG exec returns Bonus
What a Red Herring
Re: What a Red Herring
Don't Be Fooled
Re: Don't Be Fooled
One Question Mike
Re: One Question Mike
...and some scream about feeding an auto worker
I agree with you Jerry.
Re: AIG exec returns Bonus
"quitting was the only GOOD part"???
...and on that same day it has also been made ...
I heard you were an attorney. Is that true???
Here's the committee's point:
Of course the bonuses could have been delayed...
Please don't hit me with ...
I seriously doubt that's a true stmt...
Then simply answer the question:
They read the "schoolhouse rock" version of it grin
...and even that was probably read to some'dem. grin
Re: Then simply answer the question:
Too slanted, Bob... all one-sided; even the ...
The truth only has one side.
Re: "quitting was the only GOOD part"???
You heard it here first
You mean "millions more"
As his boss (a taxpayer), I disagree...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg