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The Chip Board Archive 19

The players play against each other and when a
In Response To: Thanks! So is it... ()

player "spreads" a pay set of cards (three threes or fives or sevens for example) every other player in the hand pays this spreader the number of chips required for the payoff. At the end of the hand (the player to spread eleven cards first wins)each player pays the winner again for each payable spread plus the out win, usually two chips additional. The house takes chips from the ante which each player pays to get another hand of ten cards. The game use to be popular but now few casinos play it. Normandy, Commerce and Oceans Eleven are the only card rooms in SoCal to spread the game now that I know of.

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$20 Chip of the Day - Union Plaza Pan 5th Issue
Pan (not asian pan) Panguine (spel?) is a rummy
Thanks! So is it...
The players play against each other and when a
Panguingue (pronounced "pan-ginn'-gay"),
I guess I partly killed these chips.
I thought I had seen some come up on the Board...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg