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The Chip Board Archive 19

Just an Idea Von...

ALL of my dogs have been raised through the chewing stage of life with cold CARROTS. Yes, I said carrots...
1) highly digestible and carrots won't get twisted inside their tummies like rawhide can.
2) Especially as the weather turns hot, a cold carrot is to them, what a popsicle is to us. Dogs can taste the slight amount of sugar in a carrot better than we can...and once they start eating them, they want them as a treat.
Even as adults, all of our dogs run to the refrigerator (at least once a day) and beg for a carrot.
3) Carrots are very, very cost efficient. Much cheaper (and better nutritionally) than any dog treat.
4) Much like a child's chilled pacifier, a cold carrot soothes a growing puppies gums and new adult teeth.

Just start with small strips of carrots with Mr. Chewlatta, once he eats them, graduate him onto a full size carrot.
If you have a Costo membership, they sell 50 lb bags of big carrots...that should help keep him out of Liz's shoes!

The problem he had with the turtle was not only the urge to chew, but poor Vic smells like cartilage (what his shell is made of), so your dog thought Vic was a doggie treat.... sad Definitely, put up a Cujo-proof fence.

Best of luck and let us know how Vic is recovering....poor baby!

Messages In This Thread

NCR: Dogs & tortoises dont mix sad
Feed the friggin Dog!!! sad
Oh, he eats plenty!
Re: NCR: Dogs & tortoises dont mix sad
Didn't they do the same thing with you?? rofl
Just an Idea Von...
Thanks for the tip grin
I had a Snapping Turtle and a Dog, lol....
was turtle soup on the menu.....
vbg vbg & make it snappy rofl rofl
grin Curious... What breed of dog?
Hes a Catahoula/Lab mix
It's a Turtle Terrier, and the Turtle is a Ninja
Put that dog in JAIL grin

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