that I sent along with your membership info, you joined after the mailing list had been sent to the printers & was not on the list to receive the Spring magazine. Your membership packet went out prior to receiving my additional copies of the CCTN or else I would have sent you that one. Your membership shows that it will end at the end of March 2010, affording you the Summer, Fall & Winter 2009 "issues" (whether printed or on-line) plus the Spring 2010 issue of the CCTN. Since I now have additional copies of the Spring 2009 CCTN in hand and if you'd like the Spring 2009 issue in lieu of waiting for the Summer 2009 issue as your next issue, I will send it to you & roll back your membership to end December 31, 2009 (providing you with the four CCTN "issues", printed, on-line or some combination thereof).
Please let me know.
Steve Bedo
Membership Officer