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The Chip Board Archive 19

4 Queens strikes for trade

Just got back from spending a miserable 5 days in Vegas. Could feel a cold coming on the day before I left. Sure enough, WHAM. Flu hits me like a mac truck and spend the vast majority of my trip either in bed or in the bathroom. Blech. I made my wife really happy, though. Since I wasn't in any real condition to gamble and have fun properly, a good amount of my gambling money got re-allocated to her shopping budget grin Ah, well. I'm sure it will be a lot better when I go down again in June.

I did manage to put a little money in the Silver Strike machine at the four queens. I have 2 extras of the the "man's four vices" - WINE strike if anyone is interested. I would like to trade for the new Palms Betty Paige $5's and the new Hard Rock Friday the 13th (march) coming out in the next couple days. Just my luck, all the really neat new stuff is coming out 3 days after I'm there sad (including a new $200 strike and St. Patrick's day redcaps at the 4Q) :sob: Anyway, if interested, or if you see anything on my traders page you like, shoot me an email. Thanks


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4 Queens strikes for trade
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Re: 4 Queens strikes for trade

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