If you are looking for casino logo dice, then they will usually be cancelled in some way, but these days usually not by drilling: most will have a small circle inscribed in the '4' side. If he is looking for those, they are readily available, and shouldn't cost too much (like at most $1/pair, unless he is looking for more rare dice or matching serial numbers).
If he is looking for casino logo dice that are uncancelled, I imagine he could have quite a time getting them as the casinos guard them closely (since they could be altered and then used in live games). Gamblers General Store does carry uncancelled sticks of dice that are stamped with the logos of closed casinos (I have a stick from the Desert Inn, though they were probably made after the casino closed) that they sell as collectibles, but that doesn't sound like what he wants.
If he is looking for cancelled (but undrilled) casino logo dice, shoot me an e-mail; I might be able to hook you up .
Brent J. Jensen
orbis non sufficit