In it's present state, i.e., no return email, a fairly ambiguous name AND no respones to the several replies, it starts to appear like a Troll post, at least enough for some to consider it as such.
My post was meant to temper that assumption (giving cheryl the benefit of the doubt) because her initial duplicate posts on the Message Board did include a return email addy (no sure if it is valid or not) however, the IP addy is suspect as it belongs to a service provider that has a block of numbers. Much in the same way AOL does, which then allows a poster anonymity unless a formal complaint is filed by the owner of the site receiving the Troll post.
It has also been my experince that more often than not, when a post is made about turning a valuable item into a piece of jewelry, it is a baiting type post.
Just my opinion.
Have you tried the email addy?