The discussion this weekend about warning others about Ebay auctions got me thinking. What if there was some way to leave comments on an auction website?
I rembered seeing something about a program that let you leave notes on websites, so I went searching.
I found it. It is called uTOK (Users' Tree of Knowledge) you can download it free from
It opens a small window (or you can keep it minimized). When You visit a website it tells you if any messages have been posted. You can open the messages. You can post a message open to everyone, or to people in your address book or to members of a group. You can even post a poll.
If we all start using this on Ebay when you come to an auction which is questionable you can post your message. Anyone else using the program will be able to see it before bidding.
You could put notes about a user on their feedback page going into much more detail than you could with feedback.
If we put the word out, in auction descriptions and emails, we may be able to get bidders to start using the program regularly.
Obviously this only works if many of us do it. I hope that you guys will check this out. When registering join the Chips Group, if nothing else this will let us know how many of us there are out there.