Jim:: I love your strength. But just a footnote. Two years ago we both pursued a seller clearly frauding buyers. He reported me to eBay charging that I had contacted his buyers. I then replied direct to the eBay rep (not Safe Harbor) and accompanyied the post with copies of my posts to and from the jerk. I received a reply saying that the dealer had admitted making a mistake and that it was someone else who had contacted his buyers. {Could it have been Jim?<g>) I then told eBay that the dealer should be removed as he had done the same scam on several other occasions. For whatever reason the guy was removed or suspended, I don't recall which--so sometimes direct contacts with eBay works. They are more sensitive to charges of fraud now that they have been the targets of fraud investigations including the NY A-G. In any event, keep up the good work--it may be hard but someone has to do it.