and its fees...
I think ebay has been going down for quite a while now. The small seller, like me, really can't afford to list anymore. $2 and $5 items, cost me too much to auction after all the fees. I'm making less than ebay on my items. It's too bad. I really enjoyed it for a long time. I started listing on ebay in 1997. Both chips and salt and pepper sets. It was fun. Not fun anymore. I never made a lot of money on ebay, but at least ebay wasn't getting more than me back then. Paypal was not around and the listing fees were hardly anything. Pierre had a nice idea. Too bad the big boys came in and ruined it. I think I was one of those sellers that ebay wanted to get rid of. They weren't making much from me. Well, I'm not listing anymore, so ebay won, I guess.