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The Chip Board Archive 03

What Rene did was Logical, Smart, and RIGHT!
In Response To: Re: A ONEWAY Street!? ()

Why is this so complicated?

Rene simply did what was logical and prudent. He received an email which he perceived to be negative and a threat.

He posted that email for the world to see. This exposed the sender and let the world know about it in case it escalated.

Let's stop the silly "email is private" argument. If you believe this, you are WRONG! If you CONTINUE to say it is "private" over and over again, the word "WRONG" should be replaced with "STUPID & IGNORANT" !!!

In addition to reporting an email threat to my local law enforcment authorities AND complaining to the sender's Webmaster and ISP, I would have publically posted an email like that also. And then to paraphrase a line from an old movie... "The sender had better pray every night that I don't get hit by a bus on the way to work".

BOTTOM LINE.... Nothing is gonna change! We're gonna keep hearing about 'great chips at great prices' and we will continue to see efforts to twist the truth and be portrayed as the victim in all of this.

******PREDICTION!!!****** Soon we will all be reading how persecuted he is and "I don't need this" and "I'm gonna drop out of CCGTCC" and "You guys never have liked me because I'm such a great guy with great chips at great prices and you are ALL jealous of me". And THEN the begging 'not to leave' and the lame apologies will start and we are right back where we were a month ago... until the next incident.

IT's REAL FRIGGING SIMPLE... A simple, ______UNCONDITIONAL______ apology on this board. CUT OUT the email games to all the other folks about "I'LL DO THIS IF HE DOES THAT" and all the other SCHOOLYARD crud. STAND UP, be a man and just DO IT on your own!!!! THAT will earn you some respect!!!

Did ANYTHING I say here hit a chord with you?

So stop already with the "email roulette"!!!!

Just DO IT and get back to the real world!!

Steve in Albuquerque

Messages In This Thread

A ONEWAY Street!?
Re: A ONEWAY Street!?
What Rene did was Logical, Smart, and RIGHT!
Re: What Rene did was Logical, Smart, and RIGHT!
Dave, of COURSE not!!
Andy, you got me to thinking, ...
Re: Andy, you got me to thinking, ...
Come on Rene!
This is a stand up message ...
Right on, Right on, Right on!!!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg