When you put enough 'ifs' in you can always create a little 'doubt' in a juror's mind that might make you and your client rich. Since we are planting 'ifs', what if the company had no money, insurance or other assets except the one plane that crashed? Would you be able to find a lawyer? (Answer: If you do he will REFER you to someone else.)
I have a friend who is an OBY/GEN doctor and he has told me that doctors who deliver are leaving their practice in record numbers because of the high risk of delivering a problem baby would end their career and leave them broke. Thanks to lawyers seeking to get rich will turn any problems the baby has into malpractice. Like my friend said, sometimes nature gives you a bad baby, the trick is to quit BEFORE you get one. It's like playing the children's game 'hot potato'. Who's the lawyer going to burn?
Look at the costs of goods and services in this country. A large portion of the cost is from lawyers extracting vulgar sums of money in law suits that must be passed on to the consumer.
I do not think we should kill all the lawyers, but I do believe they should often have restraints. I believe there should be caps and tort reform, and possibly some restructuring of how lawyer's fees are calculated. It seems like many lawyers have some "Stephen Yagman" in them.
Do lawyers look at the 'wrongdoing' or the 'amount of money' first in a case? From personal experience my guess is the amount of money. I had been shorted money from an insurance claim that even the attorney said was due, but he would not take the case because it was not worth his time even though he could win it.
On the other hand where huge amounts of money can be had lawyers will twist the worst case into a winner for you. Remember O.J. Simpson? He didn't do so well in Vegas after his money dried up…. Sitting in jail now, and very few could even name one of his lawyers.
We need lawyers, we need buzzards, and bacteria even. All perform a useful service, but uncontrolled they can be bad things!
I have 3 lawyers in my family and I give them hell all the time, they love to argue.
I'm just pulling your chhain Jim.