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The Chip Board Archive 03

Duke's was in Paso Robles CA ...
In Response To: Dukes Smoke Shop ...... ()

... from the 1930's through the early 1980's, when a gas explosion destroyed the place and killed 3 people. It was a lo-ball card club located at 737 12th St.
I have four large crown denominational chips (50 cents, $1, $5 and $25). According to Eastman's guide, there were also five non-denominational chips from there (three large crown, yellow, blue & red; as well as two plain mold, blue & yellow). The Jung-Pfaender guide lists a plain mold "mustard" chip; not sure if that's the same as the "yellow" in Eastman. ----- jim o\-S

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Dukes Smoke Shop ......
Duke's was in Paso Robles CA ...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg