One Question, Would you have killed them?
For the record: I own guns, and have had all types (pistols, rifles, & assalt weapons). In Texas there are probably more guns than people and half of the people have concealed carry permits. Criminals will always have guns, they should not, some of the public have guns THAT should not. I do not believe that EVERYONE should have guns. Such as people who are irresponsible and leave them out around kids, people who get two beers and become Rambo, people who use drugs, people who are just hot heads with a quick temper, children, etc. you get the picture. All too often a gun will get you INTO more trouble than it will get you out of. I think of carrying a gun like being the best black belt in karate, not the part where I am the bad ass but the part where I have the DICIPLINE to walk away or not get INTO the situation in the first place, THAT part of karate is not glamorized by Hollywood. A gun is the absolute LAST resort in a VERY FEW situations and even then you could still be killed.
I don't know if you have ever used a gun in self defense with full intention of killing someone, I have. Because I thought before I acted no one was killed. I pulled a gun on a police officer wearing a rain parka in my back yard where he had been called. I came home to find him there; I got the drop on him. I was lucky. He could have killed me. Either one of us would have been justified in the shooting. We both learned something that day. Mistakes happen. We lived and learned, we were lucky. Not everyone is.
There are times I carry a gun, very few. I try and avoid the situation. I could be shot by a criminal, but more likely to be killed in an auto wreck by a drunk driver. There is not so much outcry against drunk drivers, often they have multiple offenses and do much damage and it seems to be somewhat socially accepted..
I don't know what the answer is. I don't want to see guns outlawed any more than I want to see a gun in every person's hand with a pulse. There is some grey area, but the activists only see black or white. Do you agree that fully automatic weapons and items like grenades need tighter control than say a hunting shotgun? If so, are there responsibilities and liabilities a person should bear in gun ownership if an accident were to happen (like owning a car)? Most gun owners say you should be trained how to use it, right? What about competency in WHEN to use it and how to avoid a lethal situation? I think the issue is much more than to have or not to have guns.
It is time for the people to get enough of lenient laws and reduced prison sentences and death sentences carried out before old age. Lawyers have made it where the criminals are protected and not the public; it is no wonder people afraid to become involved. Let's try rounding up the criminals so the public can have guns without the fear they will fall into criminal's hands. Don't most guns START OFF legally long before they get into criminal acts? (Start off registered then being sold, person to person with no paperwork, stolen, serial numbers altered ground off just to name a few ways.) I advocate cleaning up the streets but not with a vigilante mob or Robert the Rambo.
Besides, the picture of my wife on the front door tears 'em up enough without having to shoot 'em too!!