Again? Is this possible in the real world?

This is sick:
Next game...45 player turbo. I am first to act and I get...YEP...POCKET ACES!!!
Blinds are small so I bet 150 and the next guy goes all in. I call, of course and he turns over.....POCKET KINGS!!!!!!(diamond and club)
I hit my A on the flop but it is a diamond and there is another diamond out there so now he has 3 diamonds. Can this possibly happen again? Turn...diamond. I am now cursing and swearing and sitting waiting for the guessed it:another diamond and I lose to another runner...runner...runner...runner.
C'mon...this just does not happen in real life.
"Random" generator my white Canadian butt!
What is your secret Tommy? Please help me cause I cannot figure this online stuff out at all.