That made me think of a pet peeve I have with media reporters asking questions that insult the intelligence of the viewers. Like a reporter asking (at a home fire scene) was the fire was hot, or do you use a lot of water when putting out a fire, Do you always wear those heavy (bunker) coats when fighting a fire, where does the water go that you use to fight the fire? I feel embarrased for the person being interviewed. And People like Katie Couricwho ask a question then rephrase it 30 different ways getting the same answer each time. My remote is used at that point. Next, try and translate a high school football coach! Standard Phrases: We have a great ball club this year, We know what we have to do to win (yea score the most points), We have to stay focused, This is the big game (they all look the same size to me LOL), We are going to have to play a running game when we're not passing. Then repeat phrases over and jumble for 3 min interview.