Some folks might remember this one, as I posted the details right after the chips arrived in the mail.......
A seller had two Four Queens chips up for sale, starting bid of $4.99 with $2 shipping. The were no bids. The pictures were TERRIBLE. Out of focus, you could not make out the chip. I assumed, as everyone else did, evidently, that they were the 11th issue replicas of the 1st issue chips. I was just about to move on, when I thought, "Fire off an email to the seller, just to be sure.....". So I did, tactfully inquiring about the design on the rim of the chip. The response was "Hey it looks like dice and triangles to me!".
The auction was supposed to end at noon. It was 10:00 AM. I put in a minimum bid, then set my sniper program just in case.....
I won the auction for the minimum bid. When the chips came, they were two of the nicest examples I have ever seen of this chip, solidly SU with sharp edges and full cross hatching! After I posted the details, I can't tell you how many other collectirs posted or emailed me that they had seen the same auction, but just assumed........