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The Chip Board Archive 18

Re: I'm not Sorry that I'm Union...
In Response To: Re: I'm Sorry...I'm Union... ()

We've had this discussion before Bob... and I know that we disagree ... but the facts are that unions have done more good for the NON-union worker in this country than most people realize. If it were not for the unions, there would be no minimum wage, no social security, no unemployment, no hospitalization insurance, no paid vacations, no pension plans, no seniority practices, fewer mandated safety standards, etc. which are enjoyed by MANY non-union U.S. workers today because of unions and the collective bargaining process.

While I'm now retired ...; when I was a union man for 38 years of my blue collar career (IBEW Local 827)... my mantra was that "the worst union in the world is better than none at all." Why is it so many people insist upon wanting to compare the U.S. worker's wages with those wages paid outside the U.S.? Would these same folks be so willing to give up their U.S. standard of living for sweat-shop standards that exist around much of the rest of the world for the sake of "equality?" I think not.

The economic problem that exists in this country is not the fault of unions. It is the fault of banks and political politics who gave out millions of loans to people who were not qualified/obligated to pay them back. It was easier to go into debt and walk away from the obligation to pay ... including people who purchased huge McMansions they could not afford just because their neighbor(s) did... and because so many people thought there would be someone else who would be willing to pay a higher price than they did for their speculative home purchases. As a result American business is unable to obtain loans to invest in, or expand their company's operations, or purchase inventory to sell to people who do not have the wherewithall to purchase consumer products due to credit card overspending, loss of jobs, and living above their "got to have it now" income levels, etc.

Unions are not going to be the scapegoat for the anti-union crowd. Most knowledgeable people know where the real fault lies...; politicians who supported Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac ... and irresponsible banks that virtually gave away the country's economic assets.

Messages In This Thread

& don't forget to watch the DOW tomorrow!
DOW +64.59!
DOW +64.59! I made money instead of lossing!
I watched ..up 64.5 points ...what was your point?
Dow up 64.5 points I did not loss money!
That depends
When DOW is up LEO is up....
Re: When DOW is up LEO is up....
Re: When DOW is up LEO is up....
Archie -I'm missing what you are saying here
If you read Senator Harry Reid's doomsday quote ..
I'm Sorry...I'm Union...
I Do Apologize for not spelling...
Don't forget the part about...............
Well, Bill..........
Re: Don't forget the part about...............
Re: I'm Sorry...I'm Union...
Re: I'm Sorry...I'm Union...
Re: I'm not Sorry that I'm Union...
Gee Archie, I'm shocked
I'm not Sorry that I'm Union...Question Archie
Re: I'm not Sorry that I'm Union...Question Archie
Re: I'm not Sorry that I'm Union...Question Archie
Re: I'm not Sorry that I'm Union...
Re: I'm Sorry...I'm Union...
WELL SAID Mark! UAW Local 2280 Retired
Yes, our Government has many things to be blamed
What car do you drive?
David, I drive a Mazda 3 but also own a Jeep
a Taurus and a Nissan!
Re: True Robert!
Remember the Subaru Brat?
Tiny tires
Please, don't get me wrong, I was.....
Re: I'm Sorry...I'm Union...
Dave, I have read your post 3 times now and I
Re: I'm Sorry...Dave....
Re: I'm Sorry...Dave....
They do, if taxpayers are paying the salaries!
Re: They do, if taxpayers are paying the salaries!
I agree, the Congress should make this happen.
Senate is trying to muscle in now!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg