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The Chip Board Archive 18
I can get her a lump of coal pretty cheap!
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Spending Sarah's Xmas Present $$$
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This past month's new editions to my collection
Spending Sarah's Xmas Present $$$
I can get her a lump of coal pretty cheap!
SWEET,Any $$ left for the kids on Xmas?
Only got the one kid (thank goodness
I actually like the $1 Landmark better...
Nice One's Bedo !!!!
Thanks, buddy!! The worse thing about
Nice stuff, buddy!
I'll trade you, ANYTIME, buddy!!
Ya, but would u trade me is the question?
Wouldn't trade you for the world!!
Re: This past month's new editions to my collectio
That SAME shoe box?? It's pretty full!
Re: Well, SHIP IT!!!
I like your taste in Chips!!
Beautiful chips!!
Wasn't ME!!!
Funny thing is...
I remember that auction! I had intended to bid...
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