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The Chip Board Archive 03

HRH 'Cure', anything but!

I know that this subject has been addressed but here's my view on the matter......

We've been slowly collecting L/E chips since the Roth set was issued. (yup, got 1 set at face!) We were there for a car show and saw everyone walking around with 'CD's' and had to ask what the deal was. After looking around for awhile we went in to the cage and asked about them. He tossed a set of 4 chips on the counter and said $20.00. Never knew what a Limited Edition chip was before that! Last year we joined the club at the convention in Las Vegas. Had fun at the show but didn't see a lot in real 'deals' like I had hoped to. After seeing the massive quantities of $5 LE's coming out a little while back, we decided to start shifting to $25.00 chips, hoping that less would be more. I didn't mind paying $35.00 to $50.00 for $25 chips with very low production numbers.

Then, "The Cure" solved my problems. Now we have decided to stop collecting almost entirely. I can't/won't pay $400-$500 and up for a chip, be it 100 or a one off prototype! (and I was not happy about paying $10.00 for a Cheryl Crow)

It's no secret that we have more than $900.00 face in LE chips for sale as I have 'bugged' you all a few times about it in the last few days....(now at eBay), and I can kinda push a lot of the blame on "The Cure".

The most interesting emails that I received on our lot was the comments by a few that they were only interested in some of the chips(no doubt), but also went as far as to say that the rest they would return to the casinos for face value! Does anybody really ever return limited edition chips for face???
Is it really worth the time to take back a $5.00 chip that's limited to 1000 or under for $5.00 cash??? I put a value of $6.00 on all of our $5.00 chips which I thought was pretty fair. I know that unless the chips are priced at face or near no dealer will be interested, that I understand, but return at face??
With chip collecting growing, and most $5.00 limiteds right around 1,000-1,200, not's not too great to know that a mint $5.00 chip isn't worth $6.00.
(and no, I was not into collecting to make money, seeing as I paid $7-$8 each for them from dealers and at the convention a year or more ago) The only chips that I ever got at face were the Roth/Barris sets...not a bad deal, I know)

Sorry to ramble but this situation does kinda resemble beanies and you can blame "The Cure" for helping to rid the world of one more chip collector.
It definately contributed a lot.

I know that me leaving won't affect the collecting much, but it will free up a few more 100 issue $25.00 L/E's for the market.

Jeff R-4260 (for a few more days)

Anybody got a bunch of mint limiteds to sell at face? (I may just start collecting again!) He said with a very large grin!

Messages In This Thread

HRH 'Cure', anything but!
Re: HRH 'Cure', settle for the $5.00 chip
Perfectly Said
Re: HRH 'Cure', settle for the $5.00 chip
Re: HRH 'Cure', settling for less
Re: HRH 'Cure', settling for less
Re: Yes they do Jeff ......
Re: Yes they do Jeff ......
Re: Yes they do Jeff ......
Re: Yes they do Andy ......
Re: Yes they do Andy ......
Re: Yes they do Jeff ......
Re: Andy: Did you get a good price?......

Copyright 2022 David Spragg