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The Chip Board Archive 18

What happened to the NCR courtesy?

Wasn't this a big to-do we got into Archie? If it has nothing to do with chipping, the NCR should be used to give the chipper the warning this wasn't chip related.

So my question to you Archie is, why didn't you put NCR at the beginning of this post?

Messages In This Thread

What's your reaction to this video?
We are all in deep $hit.
The man asks fair questions that I'd like answered
Does it really matter?
I agree 100% with what you said...
Archie, If it will make you feel any better ...
Thanks John ... I feel so much better now grin
See! That was quick; wasn't it? vbg
Yeah ... but it still matters! grin
Achie, just how many times has it been suggested
You mean like this "rubbish" John
Now I'm convinced you do not read newspapers grins
John; Now you bring up the color issue?
No. I pointed to where you did, even religion
Really? Does it matter? Are you serious?
Re: Does it really matter?
Re: Does it really matter? Yes It Does Matter!!!!
JIm.. It MATTERS, IT MATTERS. it really matters
That's shocking.... I thought he finally admitted
I say it's a load of c-r-a-p
It's called desperation politics
"Molotov Mitchell" is not the source ...
and a US Citizen
I guess you might need to question McCain also.
The difference is that ...
No Archie....
Yes Ron ...
Thats not good enought for me Archie.... I still
Well Archie, we can do this all night
Ron; Are you suggesting that ...
Archie, you’re right, I will vote for your son�
Who said anything about my son ....?
My apologizes Archie!
No apology needed Ron if you will check out this
Re: The difference is that ...
That's not the way I read it Doc ...
To be more specific ...
Re: To be more specific ...
Right To Whine
Re: What's your reaction to this video?
Re: What's your reaction to this video?
All you would need is your Social Security Number
Thanks for the update Mark ...
Thanks for saving me a link search Mark.
Re: What's your reaction to this video?
Re: What's your reaction to this video?
That Archie needs to stop
Re: That Archie needs to stop
It certainly does that for paranoid Republicans
Re: Bryan, this response is a little late...
LOL-right after the "Germans" bombed Pearl Harbor
Re: rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
Re: What's your reaction to this video?
Isnt Obama a Lawyer? rofl rofl
Re: Isnt Obama a Lawyer? rofl rofl
Yes he will... But I was answering your post where
Re: What's your reaction to this video?
"Natural Born Citizen"
What happened to the NCR courtesy?
NCR "Trick Or Treat!"
Re: What happened to the NCR courtesy?
Let me help explain
Thank you Michael
'NCR': Let me help explain
My post was not intended to...
Re: Like Andy I...
REBEL! rofl
It would be nice to use NCR for people on dial-up.
NCR - With Love

Copyright 2022 David Spragg