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The Chip Board Archive 18

No, no, no, no... Doug, You missed the point.

Those who truly listened (or will listen) to what Powell said outside on the sidewalk (not so much the "MTP" interview)... should certainly question that "America First" line.

Powell didn't tell anyone who to vote for, nor is anyone suggesting that they should vote for Obama because Powell endorsed him. The only thing being suggested is that if all those Republicans are voting for Obama, there should be a pretty good reason why and they'll understand by reading. One important message to listen to is Powell's thinking as to how both McCain and Palin have no idea what they're saying which which is causing Republicans to continue pouring money in to the Obama base like there's no tomorrow. It's in every newspaper, Doug. I'm not making it up.

� The party even says it,

� The Polls say it,

� The $$$ pouring in say it.

� And I hope America will say it as it's cast in stone on November 4th.

That's all; I'm simply talking facts... facts that people should read and have read and understand (not this FOX or CNN crap).

All this other crap regarding who is and who isn't Obama's fried; where is church is; his aunt; his uncle; him taking your and my money off to Redistribution Centers is nothing more than a bunch rubbish (again, read what Powell said) and it's not doing us one bit of good around the world... Nor by the looks of of it is it doing McCain any good. Ha ha ha ha ha... Thus McCain's "America First" is a line of poop, in my opinion.



Messages In This Thread

Here's the problem with the election (NCR)
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Re: Works both ways.
(Message Deleted by Poster)
The first time I could vote ....
Re: The first time I could vote ....
One could deduct that you are
However Don,
You may think from my post that
God Bless Ya! Buddy!!
Re: Here's the problem with the election (NCR)
Here's the R E A L problem with the election
My 2 Cents
Re: Ester I think it is at least 3 Cents grin
Re: My 2 Cents
Esther wat a great post agree 100%
Kind of like McCain's (medical) Chart
John, You seem fixated on pointing out that other
Here's my point, Doug:
And here is my point John........
No, no, no, no... Doug, You missed the point.
Here's one thing I will say, Doug, and I think I'm
On TV, Michael Jackson said he was voting for
You guys have Michael Jackson shows on your TV grin
Only on children's hour vbg
Even more amazing is that the mainstream media

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