... I have noticed our membership card worn on person at such events as antiques fairs, flea markets.... and of course coin shows.
One year while visiting Renningers at Mt. Dora, John "TOP" and myself ran into another club member who happened to have his membership card pinned to his jacket.. and when the three of us converged at a nearby dealer's table, that dealer asked us: "You guys know Archie Black?" Though many of us have heard that before... I'm sure, to hear it for the first time so far away from NJ fealt kind of special...
To many of us our card represents much more than just a piece of plastic to be tucked away in a bottom drawer never to be seen by anyone... and besides it being not only a representation of what we are and do, it carries a certain majestic, magical something way too complex to describe in a few words, fully.
Of course I've never flashed my membership card at WAL-MART, nor do I think anyone ever presented it while being asked to leave the Roulette chips at the table, but the mere thought of doing so is where the joy lies as being a member.
No, not really too trite or sentimental... unless one truly understands what the combined effort entailed to still have our card (club) around for the past 20 years really means.