Nice post, Glen ... but ...
your comparison doesn't quite fit the reality that we're facing here.
No one wants to pay higher taxes … not me ... not you!
But we have to still find a way to finance our government, and all the things we count on from it, including protecting our ports, maintaining our military, caring for our infrastructure, etc., and that money has to come from somewhere, doesn't it?
These are tough times we are facing, and will require tough decisions to be made.
The real question is who is best suited to make those decisions.
Personally, I have nothing against John McCain.
I served during the Viet Nam war myself.
But I feel he is past his prime, and I have absolutely no faith in his running mate, Sarah Palin.
Actually, for him to have picked Palin to be a heart-beat away from the Oval Office says more about McCain's lack of judgment than anything else, for me.
What I see in Obama is a man who is very smart, and has exhibited true statesmanship on the campaign trail. I see in him a person who has the ability to bring our Nation together, and take our Country into the new direction.
John McCain, for me, represents the past, more than he represents the future.
I don't like his temperament, nor his inclination for war-mongering.
I could go on and on about why I'm supporting Obama over McCain, but that is not what my intent is when posting on this message board.
I'm more interested in creating thoughtful debate than promoting my personal views.
Look, we all can agree that serious problems face our Country today.
The real question that needs to be asked is who is best to address those problems, right?
When I listen to BOTH campaigns, I walk away with the feeling that Barak Obama is the one who is best suited to be addressing those problems that we ALL are now facing.
May God bless our great Nation!