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The Chip Board Archive 18
before election day
In Response To:
TWENTY(20) $1.00 FREE chips -please read on!
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TWENTY(20) $1.00 FREE chips -please read on!
You will vote at a polling place
You will vote for a write-in candidate.
You will NOT vote!
You will vote using an absentee ballot
You will vote Republican
You will vote on a paper ballot
Democrat... ...
with the flip of a coin/token
Re:Standing up?
You will vote by making choices on a touch screen
I hope Nevada has touch screens!
You will vote in a booth..
You will vote HAPPILY....
by switching toggles and pulling a lever
Early in the morning (PhyllisSpagnola R-5866)
Voting Independently - ADA compliant voting booth
How You will Vote...
Re: TWENTY(20) $1.00 FREE chips -please read on!
before election day
You have already voted
It is 9:32 pm in Las Vegas, time is off. TY to ALL
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