The guy in the fancy duds is Tommy know, the guy that built the El Rancho Vegas, first resort/hotel on the strip
This is Walter J. Heinz and his sister-in-law Marilyn Heinz. Yeah, I know...I never heard of them either. Point is...look at her dealer apron; she was a dealer for the Silver Club, before the city passed an ordinance banning women dealers (in the early 1950's). And, look behind them...The 8 Ball Bar which was at 117 N. 1st Street, And the Nevada Bar at 115 N. 1st Street. Not often that you see a picture of a downtown side street.
That cute little vehicle in front of the Apache was "Daves Office and Housecleaning Service" truck. Whoever was next to the Apache Bar was quitting business because their lease expired
Wimpy's Drive-In on Fremont, circa 1939
Mt. Charleston Lodge & Casino