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The Chip Board Archive 03

50,000 Swizzle Sticks ISSCA

Go to the experts on Swizzle Sticks. My wife and I use to belong to the above group. INTERNATIONAL SWIZZLE STICKS COLLECTORS ASSOCIATION. They have a Convention every 2 years in Vegas. I reported on last years with the time and place. Was at the old Boardwalk Holiday Inn. Contact a fellow By the name of Dick Worters. He has computerized over 50,000 in his collection last time I heard. He is also a District DIRECTOR FOR the Jim Beam Bottle Clubs. He lives in California. mail

Here is a scan of some of the sticks we took to the Conventions.

Messages In This Thread

Las Vegas Hotel / Casino Swizzle Sticks
Re: Las Vegas Hotel / Casino Swizzle Sticks
Re: My God Dave....
Re: My God Dave....
Being a heavy drinker helps. (g) (eom)
Re: Being a heavy drinker helps. (g) (eom)
Swizzles and Stickers
Re: Swizzles and Stickers
50,000 Swizzle Sticks ISSCA
Re: 50,000 Swizzle Sticks ISSCA

Copyright 2022 David Spragg