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The Chip Board Archive 03

It's NOT called RIGHT, Archie.

Archie wrote....

"""""""Steve; I lose subscribers frequently to other A.C. new issues seller/dealers who sell the same chips for a half-dollar less. It's called competition... which is what you, me, and everyone else who sells on ebay are experiencing. I sold the infamous Will Espin chip on ebay for over $100. Does that mean that other folks who had this chip for sale should be prevented from contacting the underbidders .... and did so? I was notified of at least one person who contacted the TOP bidder while the auction was in progress and who tried to curtail the bidding process by offering him an Espin chip in the event he was not the successful bidder... two days before the auction was over. Thanks to Skip, who was the top bidder at the time, who told me about this incident.

However, you still haven't answered my bottom-line questions..... such as; when would it be o.k. (in your opinion) to offer chips to your ebay underbidders, whom you don't own .... after the sale is over? """"""



Would you call the person who contacted your high bidder a "scum sucking bottom feeder"? YOU did all the work... and he/she came along and took information YOU worked for (a bidder) and tried to profit from it. I call that a thief.

To answer your "bottom line" question, IN MY OPINION, I would never contact the eBay bidders of someone ELSE'S auction and offer my identical chip (or any item) either before OR after the sale. I would either post the item/chip for sale on a website, I'd conduct my OWN auction, or even do a posting on that I have some of "xxx" for sale at "xxx price". I would do my OWN work.

I WOULD contact the unsuccessful bidders on MY OWN auctions after the sale and offer the identical item (and maybe other items) to them.

Now for MY "bottom line" question to you. If all this chipping stuff is one big happy family and EVERYONE should be able to contact anyone else and offer the lowest, possible price.... Will you post the names and email addresses of all of your AC New Release customers?

If not, ___EXACTLY___ why not?


Steve in Albuquerque

Messages In This Thread

Scum Sucking Bottom Feeders...
Re: Scum Sucking Bottom Feeders...
Re: Scum Sucking Bottom Feeders...
Re: Scum Sucking Bottom Feeders...
Re: Scum Sucking Bottom Feeders.?????
Special Dispensation for Rich Hanover
Sorry Steve, ...
Rich, REread my post...
Re: Rich, REread my post...
And one more thing ...
O.K.!!!, But I'm waiting on Archie....
Re: Wait no longer... you've received my response
Re: Bottom Feeders... a different view
Archie, will you share YOUR list of customers?
Re: Apples and Oranges?
Archie, you WOULDN'T be quiet!!
Re: It's called competition Steve......
It's NOT called RIGHT, Archie.
Re: It's NOT called RIGHT, Archie.
Alright Already... I gave up!
I would Question
Re: You hit the nail on the head, Archie.
Re: You hit the nail on the head, Archie.
Re: In case no one remembers...
You are missing the point
Apples and Oranges?/RIGHT & WRONG!!
Re: Archie, will you share YOUR list of customers?
Re: Bottom line is it violates Ebay's users agreem
UNCLE, I Surrender, I Give Up, You Win!!!!
Re: Both sides
Katie, Greg said a long time ago...
Re: Both sides
Katie, You're a fine one to talk!!!
Re: I recall...
YES!! and I admit it....
So is Duane!!! LOL!!! (EOM)
Sounds like you've heard the joke already! (eom)
Re: Scum Sucking sandbagging ebay sellers

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