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The Chip Board Archive 03

Re: Look what I figured out how to do!!!

I'm sorry Chuck, I'm selling the wheels only. NO TIRES!!! If you looked carefully at the picture the wheel does not have a tire on it. And come on man get serious, a Flag Day chip? isn't that overkill? When does the "sit around and scratch you ass day" chip come out?
Talk to those clowns at the Four Queens. They could put my picture on it because I'm on vacation this week and that is exactly what I'm doing!!

Messages In This Thread

Look what I figured out how to do!!!
Re: Look what I figured out how to do!!!
Re: Look what I figured out how to do!!!
Re: Look what I figured out how to do!!!
Re: Look what I !!!.....Are they RARE?
Re: Roger; Here's the "rare" wheel chip.
Re: Roger; Here's the "rare" wheel chip.
Re: Look what I figured out how to do!!!
Re: Look --Chuck Nelson!!!
Re: Look --Those "tires" again
I know the feeling!!!!!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg