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The Chip Board Archive 03

Look what I figured out how to do!!!

I know it my not be a big deal to most of you, but I just figured out how to upload pictures from my computer. Now I just need a scanner!!!! By the way does anyone need a set of 2000 Acura 3.2 TL rims?? How about you General for that car of yours that won't start!!! Can anyone say boat anchor??? <<VBG>> Love ya Chuck!!


Messages In This Thread

Look what I figured out how to do!!!
Re: Look what I figured out how to do!!!
Re: Look what I figured out how to do!!!
Re: Look what I figured out how to do!!!
Re: Look what I !!!.....Are they RARE?
Re: Roger; Here's the "rare" wheel chip.
Re: Roger; Here's the "rare" wheel chip.
Re: Look what I figured out how to do!!!
Re: Look --Chuck Nelson!!!
Re: Look --Those "tires" again
I know the feeling!!!!!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg