Yes, I am a staunch Conservative Republican. Yes I'm just to the right of the John Birch Society in my views YES, I admit all of it.
I admit all of this but in one way I'm in hopes that the Democrats do win. Why you might ask, well only to prove that nothing will change. At least nothing will change immediately and then when changes do occur there is nothing to say the will be for the better.
Let's face it, if the McCain/Palin ticket does get elected I'll just have to hear the Democrats bellyache that it's going to be 4 more years of the same.
On the other hand if the Obama/Biden ticket gets elected, I suppose the Democrats can always fall back on blaming the previous administration for all of the countries woes. Seems like a no win situation so I guess I'll just support The McCain ticket after all
I just wonder if there is anyone out there gullible enough to believe that if Obama gets elected, Terrorism or the fear of it will end. That the troops will come home, That gas prices will drop back down to $2.00 a gallon, that unemployment will drop and all things will be like they were during the Reagan years.
Just some thoughts on a lazy Tuesday afternoon