I just don't see why the people of New Orleans can't see that the evacuation catastrophie during Katrina last year was the fault of Mayor Nagin! Sure the relief effort was on the crappy side, but the fact that soooooo many people didn't get evacuated, and sooooo many busses sat unused is the fault of Mayor Nagin and NOT Mr. Bush. The fact that soooo many people had to deal with VERY POOR shelter conditions for that first day or so was Mayor Nagin's fault. If he had ordered a MANDATORY evacuation then, like he did this year (amazing what a disaster will do to your emergency planning efforts), the HUGE problems of Katrina could have been averted. Nagin was just jumping on the band wagon and blaming "the oppressors" for their problems. "If they had been white people stranded there....blah, blah, blah.." Give me a freaking break! At least Texas has some SMART people in their governmental offices when it comes to emergencies!