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The Chip Board Archive 18
We start up again tonight...would you mind
In Response To:
Re: is he still whining about that??!?!?
reviewing that hand-ranking thing with me again??
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The King of Poker starts tomorrow!!
No password here yet
Why does EVERYTHING ALWAYS have to be
I'm telling my mom on you.
You'll need to put up some $$$
Did it come with Wine?
I'm ready!
Just got done...
A few dollars??? That's a NEST-EGG!!
When are you sending out the password
It was sent out this past weekend...
I should leave you off anyways...seeing as you are
Re: I should leave you off anyways...seeing as you
is he still whining about that??!?!?
Re: is he still whining about that??!?!?
We start up again tonight...would you mind
Here you go Steve...
First of all, it was EVERY...
How about just a so-so standing?
Let me know when you get to THERE!!
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Thanks Brian
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