Yes, I was a railbird before you, BUT, if I had the mountain of chips you had at one point you would have seen me at the final table! Don't forget *I* saw the hands you won with & took to the river to get those chips. There were not a whole lot of gems that you turned over. <VBG> Playing in the Club tournament is like playing in a $3-$6 VERY loose California game. 11 to a table & 8 players still in at the river. Kind of like playing "Showdown". The best player is not going to win, the player that is luckier that day is going too. That was proved by Tony winning last year. He is a very nice guy, but could not even spell Hold'em before the tournament started. As you should well know since he started at our table. For a better player to even have a slight chance of winning some BIG adjustments have to be made & even then the better players chances are not good. Since I won't be playing this year I won't be able to make those adjustments. All that aside it is a fun tournament & that's what it was setup to be.
Andy - Las Vegas