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The Chip Board Archive 18

Good site for advice

I too have a very bad case, diagnosed a few years ago. Got a machine and a full-face mask (I breathe through my mouth at night) and it has helped a lot. Be aware: the local companies that sell equipment often don't know squat about it, often push the products that make the most money or give them the highest reibursement, etc.

If your Dr prescribes the machine, don't blindly go to whoever he recommends (or even the machine the suggests - he doesn't have apnea so he doesn't know what it is like to wear it) . Do some research on equipment and advice.

One company I had a lot of good luck with is

They also sponsor (but don't interfere with) a really good message board:

Lots of excellent discussions on specific models and equipment, advice on how to use it, responses to people's questions, etc. Just like Greg's board you can learn a LOT from it.
- Bob

Messages In This Thread

NCR Sleep Apnea....You Could Be Dying From This..
Re: NCR Sleep Apnea....You Could Be Dying From Thi
Good For Them...It's Nasty Killer Stuff.
Re: NCR Sleep Apnea....You Could Be Dying From Thi
Re: NCR Sleep Apnea....You Could Be Dying From Thi
Re: NCR Sleep Apnea....You Could Be Dying From Thi
Re: NCR Sleep Apnea....You Could Be Dying From Thi
Re: NCR Sleep Apnea....You Could Be Dying From Thi
Re: NCR Sleep Apnea....You Could Be Dying From Thi
I agree 100%.....
Re: NCR Sleep Apnea....You Could Be Dying From Thi
I bet we'll be hearing from Mr. Shaffer on this!
Yes, yes !
Actually, the pressurization on airplanes
Re: Actually, the pressurization on airplanes
Interesting. Doesn't the pressurization of the
Re: Interesting. Doesn't the pressurization of the
Gotta keep you around-You have chips I need ! :-)
need to keep my chip buddies around ! vbg
Good site for advice
For equipment....
Re: For equipment....
How do you qualify for an APAP?
Re: How do you qualify for an APAP?
Re: Close....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg