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The Chip Board Archive 18

Quantity chips for sale

I have the following groups of chips for sale:

Qty. - Denom., Name, Condition, Location, Price
100 - N/A, COM, New, Unknown, $50 for all 100
100 - $5 L.R.(Little Reno), New, Tracy, CA, $50 for all 100
100 - $1 L.R.(Little Reno), Used, Tracy, CA, $30 for all 100
100 - $5 EC (Empire Club), Worn, Yreka, CA, $50 for all 100
46 - $100 EC (Empire Club), New, Yreka, CA, $45 for all 46
45 - $100 EC (Empire Club), New, Yreka, CA, $45 for all 45
100 - $1 Virginian, New, Reno, NV, $100 for all 100
24 - N/A, J.A. Nugget Blue Roulette, Used, Sparks, NV, $20 for all 24
24 - N/A, J.A. Nugget Gray Roulette, Used, Sparks, NV, $20 for all 24
6 - $1 Saginaw Chips, New, Unknown, $12 for all 6
100 - $.50 Regency, Lightly Used, Bell, CA, $50 for all 100

Regency ChipCo's - Mix and Match

Take 30 or more of the Regency ChipCo's for $.90 each. I have: 18 - $1, 30 - $2, 19 - $3, 63 - $5, 46 - $10, and 34 - $25

Buyer to pay for postage.

Please email me if you are interested.



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Quantity chips for sale
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Copyright 2022 David Spragg