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The Chip Board Archive 18

Back From Shoulder Operation

I had to write this, because this is how I became a member of the CCGTCC back in July of 2001. I had my right shoulder rotator cuff done then and had alot of time off from work. When spending some time on the internet I found the group and joined. I was known on the board back then as "Bad Shoulder Moulder". I have been to every convention since and have volunteered for the last three years. This is the greatest group I know that appreciates chips, as well as casino history. I have learned so much, and met so many wonderful people.
Well I got home yesterday from having my left shoulder done. It's a little easier this time as I am right handed. Still not too comfortable, but able to get to the computer, with one hand for now.
I am looking forward to spending alot of time on "the board".

Messages In This Thread

Back From Shoulder Operation
I hope,,,,
Re: Back From Shoulder Operation
grin Wishing you a speedy recovery, Patty!! grin
grin Wishing you a speedy recovery, Patty!! grin
grin Get well soon...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg